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CADA 董事會

“rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. healing is an act of communion.”
– bell hooks, activist and author

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online domestic violence support group

This support group is facilitated by CADA advocates and each cycle runs for 6 weeks. This group is for women who have experienced or are currently experiencing relationship abuse, including emotional abuse, physical abuse, financial control, isolation, coercion and manipulation, or verbal abuse.

Tuesdays - daytime and evening sessions

sexual harm support group

This support group is currently paused. Check back for updates.

what is support group like?

  • All groups are free and confidential

  • Support groups are judgment-free and affirming spaces

  • No one will be forced or pressured to share or talk 

  • Facilitators come prepared with a weekly topic, but the participants lead the discussion and take the group where it needs to go 

i want to learn more about support groups!

Is it safe for us to email you?
Is it safe for us to call you? **Please note that our number shows up as "unlisted"
What support group are you interested in learning more about?

Thanks for submitting!

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